Wednesday, April 14, 2010

James Cuénod's Newsletter 2010-04-14

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To those
interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings. Grace to you and peace
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

It pains me to begin by saying that I am sorry that I haven't sent out a
newsletter for over a month but no matter how much I consider how I should
begin this email, it seems like the only appropriate opening. Last term
became rather busy towards the end and I think everyone here was just
tired after the length of the term. Two weeks off was barely enough for
recovery and so I think those of us who don't live here have mixed
feelings about being back.

In the holidays I managed to take my mind off college for a while but we
did have some work - in particular Hebrew - that we had to get done. The
other thing that I worked on during the holidays was a sermon for a prayer
meeting. The prayer meeting was this morning and so I delivered the sermon

I received useful feedback from the lecturers immediately afterwards.
Looking back I realised that I had no conclusion which I think they should
have been much harsher with me about but the main thing that they said I
had done wrong was to not exegete a passage. A point, I thought, that was
true but not fair since I had preached a topical sermon by design (my
topic was prayer and God's sovereignty which I tied into Matthew 6:10
"Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"). Additionally, I managed
to call the leader of the service by the wrong name and so I have a number
of useful pointers for next time. People seemed to appreciate my
communication though for which I am grateful.

This term looks to be the one with the real work (as only one of our
subjects is not continuing from last term). We have a new subject; youth
work, with the lecturer who took us for small groups and I enjoyed his
style (while not academic, he wasn't trying to be).

Judging by the amount of time I have spent wracking my brains for content
for this paragraph it seems unlikely to be of any real value so I figure
that I'll stop here as far as news goes.

I really need prayer for discipline in my reading this term so that I can
keep up with it and get through assignments. Right now Hebrew is pretty
much the bane of my existence so heavenly assistance would be greatly
appreciated and in spite of having preached on prayer today, I realise
that my prayer life is lacks vitality so please pray that I would pray.
Having said that, you are in my prayers.

In Christ,
James Cuénod

James, a bondslave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ