Saturday, April 30, 2011

James Cuénod's Newsletter 2011-04-30

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To those interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I remember when time meandered its way through an afternoon. I recall days
when I used to do whatever took my fancy. The holidays were almost like
that; I had plenty of work to get through during that week - I just
didn't. So, arriving back I had to catch up on the stuff that I had due.
I've handed in assignments, started a new course, I've even done an exam.

I imagine that the outcome of the exam is of some interest. It was for
"Work of Christ" and the scope was enormous. The subject was lectured by
Robert Doyle, a guy out from Moore College in Australia. It has been one
of my favourite courses thus far. Last term I wrote an essay for it
researching the cry of dereliction ("My God, my God, why have you forsaken
me?") and in what sense Jesus was forsaken. I really enjoyed the essay and
it was meticulously examined which I appreciated because the notes on my
essay will be very helpful in trying to improve my writing and
researching. Regarding the exam though, I was a bit nervous going in, I
had been particularly interested in one aspect of the course and had
studied it more carefully (the extent of the atonement, if you're
interested) and - to my great delight - it came up.

The exam was last Tuesday and it seems like the third years have largely
been measuring time in BE and AE (Before Exam, After Exam). We did,
however, have a good break beginning on Good Friday. I read C. S. Lewis'
"Till We Have Faces" in the break which was pretty cool. I'm not really a
big novel reader but I enjoyed it. Lewis is cool because even if you don't
like reading, you can manage his books which are easy reading, engaging
and - best of all - short (it makes you feel like you've accomplished
something). I went to a Passover meal at Muizenberg Community Church and
then I went to the Easter services at Tokai Community Church (which, I'm
not sure whether I've mentioned, is my placement church this year). By the
way, I can recommend Easter with a fresh slice of "Work of Christ" on your
mind. Those time filled days are now gone though.

I must admit; I don't know how many weeks of term remain, I don't know how
many assignments are coming up, basically I don't know what's going on in
the near future with regards to college. What I do know is that the Fun
Run is happening on the 7th of May (I'm not down to run but I'm hoping to
change that - although I feel like I should be nearby after they nearly
burnt down the pavilion by overloading an extension cord as soon as I
turned my back - it's like a conspiracy) and then, the end of the term
brings with it not only exams but ministry week which promises to be

Ah one last matter which weaseled its way out of the foreground of my mind
is that of the melting pot. The melting pot is a nearby cafe type bar
thingy-do (that's right "thingy-do" is actually a technical term, look it
up). On Wednesday they have "open mic night" and on Thursday they have
"blow-your-eardrums-out-it's-too-loud reggae" (I wonder if that means I'm
getting old). Now you may be expecting me to say that I am now famous.
This is not the case. I have, thus far, spared the world my unspeakable
talent. A few college guys have been going there though (to perform and to
listen) and it is beginning to turn into a great witnessing opportunity.

On a slightly different note, I would appreciate your prayers. I've got
mounds of work that would rival Mugg 'n Bean muffins, I have
administrative stuff to do for things like ministry week, SRC and the Fun
Run, there's that looming question of what will become of me next year and
in the midst of all that stuff I'd kind of like to be reading my Bible,
praying and - just generally - being a Christian. So, with particular
emphasis on the last bit, please would you keep me in your prayers. This
would be appreciated considerably more than the aforementioned muffins.

I think that as time went on in my writing of this newsletter my mind
became more frivolous - I just reread a part of it and thought, "that's
what comes of putting the word meandered into the opening sentence James,
you need to just calm down with your verbage".

In addition, I hope that this Newsletter made you smile as much as it made
me wonder about whether or not I am in a regular state of mind for a human
being. My insanity, for your amusement.

By the indelible grace of God,
In Christ,
James Cuénod

James, a bondslave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

James Cuénod's Newsletter 2011-04-02

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To those interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I must begin by saying that I am sincerely sorry that I have not sent out
a newsletter in the last month. Time to write and send newsletters has
consistently eluded me especially over the last couple of weeks.

The most recent in my recollection of work for GWC has been an assignment
for "The Work of Christ" which, for me, was an essay on Jesus' being
forsaken and what that means. I must say, it has been one of the most
beneficial essays that I have written at college; it was one of the
assignments that, once finished, leaves you loving Jesus more. I felt
privileged to be doing it. I've had assignments for just about every
subject though and so time studying and writing has been exhausting. One
other 'assignment' that I should comment on is preaching in class. I had
to preach a parable from Matthew and so I chose to preach on the parable
of the unforgiving servant (from Matthew 18) and I felt that it went well
(and I mention it because I had an awesome time doing it).

In spite of the busyness, I have had the chance to do a few other things.
I visited YWAM a few weeks ago which was interesting as GWC doesn't have
much to do with them and so it was a good chance to meet with them. They
had a missionary from China do a talk encouraging people to go to China
but don't worry, I'm not feeling pulled very strongly in that direction.
GWC has just had their annual lecture, Peter Jensen (a big-shot from
Australia) was the guest speaker and he had some thought-provoking things
to say.

I also went through to the city to see the wildlife photo exhibition; in
first year I went to the WWF Wildlife Photographer of the Year display and
it was a treat so I took the opportunity to do so again. It did not
disappoint but as I think about the photos, I realise that no photo can
truly capture the grandeur of its subject. On Friday the 1st TGIF Cape
Town (an early morning meeting around a talk which is aimed at thinking
Christian business people) began, the topic was beauty and I was reminded
that the beauty of this world is only pointing to that of the next.

A bunch of the guys at college have recently started taking advantage of
the diversity of culture and minds available and we have been meeting to
talk about African Theology (a relevant topic given our context). I have
found these discussions incredibly stimulating lately and I've added this
interest to my thoughts about the future. Speaking of the future, please
keep that in your prayers. I'm home for the holidays right now so I'll
have some more discussion with my parents, doing honours has recently
popped more strongly into my radar. I'll be going down to KZN for ministry
week though which promises to be good. I'm leading a team to my uncle's
church in Hilton and hopefully I'll leave there with some more direction
regarding next year.

Please keep ministry week and plans for the future in your prayers. I've
got a pile of work to do in this break (which is only the next week) and
then I have an even busier term to look forward to. Please pray that
college work would keep pointing away from itself rather than drawing
attention away from its glorious subject. This year has been challenging
but exciting, so please pray that I would be enthralled by the studies
because of their goal.

Finally, thank you for reading my newsletters.

In Christ who saved me!
James Cuénod

James, a bondslave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.