Monday, July 20, 2009

James Cuénod's Newsletter 2009-07-20

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To those
interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings. Grace to you and peace
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wow, five weeks goes pretty quickly... You may have thought "finally, I've
stopped receiving that irregular Capetonian spam!" Sorry - you were wrong.
The holidays have come to an end and I'm alarmingly back in the swing of
things here. You may recall that I left at the end of last term on the day
I wrote my final exam. The next weekend I (along with my family) went to
Zimbabwe (Bulawayo) to take up food aid for people up there. I must say,
it was quite eye opening and seemed worse off than Harare (which is where
my dad and I went sometime around September last year). So for the first
two weeks of my holiday I pretty much did my own thing, met up with
friends and did some website stuff but mostly relaxed.

The third week was when the work began; ministry week. I met up with our
contact during the second week of holidays so that I could get a feel of
what was expected of us etc. and then joined up with my team on Sunday
morning. It was quite an experience; I feel like I've learned a lot, it's
easy to pick holes in things and be critical but I think that I can take a
lot away from the week because I saw things done in a different way and so
I was able to evaluate methods that I am familiar with more objectively.
The week was spent doing a holiday club and on the Sundays on either side
of it we (Mareka, Badi and I) helped at Sunday school. Badi also lead the
young adult's Bible study. It was quite draining and I think that it
prepared me well to have a low tolerance for nonsense during the
Honeyridge holiday club (which may or may not have been a good thing - now
I realise why they put me on data capture...).

So I then had a week to recuperate and start on some GWC work before the
Honeyridge holiday club. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed helping at
the Honeyridge holiday club (except for the early mornings). The theme was
Joseph's journey to greatness and I think that an excellent job was done
on it (glory to God).

Which brings me back behind the library computer here... I anticipate an
intense term with the lecturer renowned for giving us the most work taking
us for three large subjects. Nevertheless, I'm sure I'll survive, albeit a
busy sort of survive but a survive nonetheless. Subjects this term have
changed rather dramatically with a few semester courses coming to an end.
Public Speaking has been replaced by Commmunication, OT Introduction has
been replaced by NT Introduction and we now have Psalms, Doctrine of
Revelation, Ethics 1, Early Church History, Exodus and something else
though I forget what. We have yet to receive results from last term but
we're going to be busy enough to forget about it pretty quickly.

As far as prayer requests go; please pray that I am disciplined in my work
and that my goal would not be knowledge but a relationship with God.
Thanks for your support everyone.

In Christ,
James Cuénod

James, a bondslave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ

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