To those interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I trust that this email will find you well. Over the December holidays
(really the January holidays), by God's unfailing grace, I turned 21.
That's a lifespan more than 500 times that of a worker bee and I haven't
harvested a drop of nectar. I did, however, have the privilege of
preaching during the holidays to the Honeyridge youth group and in the
main service. I relished the chance to expound God's word and thoroughly
enjoyed it. God's Word is sweeter than honey.
The holidays flew by swiftly but I managed to do some reading and see a
number of people. Somehow things that I wanted to do still slipped through
the cracks though. Nevertheless, the holidays drew to a close with
unexpected abruptness when I realised that I had a few SRC
responsibilities to take care of before returning but all in all, the
Christmas period was a much needed and appreciated break from college life.
Upon returning we didn't get much of a chance to get into gear and the SRC
were at work immediately, welcoming new students (especially the ones
moving into college residences) and preparing for commencement camp.
Commencement camp is an annual event which marks the start of the regular
timetable after summer school (a.k.a Greek/Hebrew week). I've always
enjoyed commencement camp although this one was particularly hectic
because of my involvement during the time leading up to it and during the
actual camp. During summer school, those of us who have done Greek and
Hebrew, were lectured on Galatians, 2 Corinthians, Luke and Revelation by
Paul Barnett. The lectures were good but somewhat rushed.
The fact that internet connectivity for me has been reduced (which will
hopefully change in the near future) coupled with my 25 hour day schedule
has delayed this newsletter by a couple of weeks so I'm kind of relieved
to be writing it right now. I'm realising how true it is that Satan
delights in a "busy" person, it's much easier to persuade him not to be
over-devoted to devotions.
Please redouble your prayer efforts as this term - in fact, this year
looks to be an intense workload. Pray for diligence in studies and, more
importantly, for spiritual growth to match any intellectual growth. I'm
also not certain which church I will be attending this year, it looks very
much like Tokai Community Church is the best option but please ask God to
make it clear.
The coming year excites me, the following year confounds me and the future
humbles me. Grace alone.
In Christ,
James Cuénod
James, a bondslave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Always good to hear your news, my brother, and you remain in my prayers. S.D.G.