Saturday, March 17, 2012

James Cuénod's Newsletter 2012-03-17

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To those interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry I've left you in the dark for so long. Let me give you the
highlights of the last few weeks. The biggest adjustment has been work
schedule. Instead of the old lecture/study model, in the honours
programme we have one double lecture per fortnight. This means that
our time is pretty flexible (though we do still have daily college
life things like Chapel and prayer meetings) but it also means that we
have to be more disciplined with our work than I am being.

It's easy to keep on top of the doctrine course that we're busy with
(which is what the lectures are for) but in the background we are
supposed to be working on our dissertations (more on this later). In
addition we are now preparing for an intensive two week course on Mark
which starts right after the April holidays - in three weeks
(preparation includes doing a bunch of assignments and reading a
couple of books). I am intimidated.

When I arrived at college, there were two things I knew Christians
were bad at doing: (1) understanding the Old Testament and (2)
applying the Bible to our lives beyond becoming Christians. For my
dissertation I'm working towards not being bad at (1). I'm trying to
ask some interesting questions about the narrative/literature of the
book of Judges. Hopefully I'll figure out (2) given a bit more time.
I'm having fun but not really doing what is necessary at this point.

I'm co-leading a "young young-adults" Bible Study at Tokai Community
Church this year and realising my weaknesses which is helpful. In
fact, I would greatly appreciate prayer with regards to my ability to
effectively guide and teach that group.

Living out of Res has been great. I am loving the move although I feel
a bit out of the loop of what's going on at college. My flatmate
recently got engaged so it's interesting seeing him prepare for a
wedding and marriage.

I'm fairly stressed about the coming five weeks (and I don't
anticipate real relief for another six or seven weeks after that) and
I could use prayer that I would rely on God. You can praise God that
the new living situation is working out (as far as I know - if you
don't hear from me though, I may have been murdered in my sleep).

These coming few weeks are going to require some hard work but they
stretch over the holidays so I definitely need some divine assistance.

In Christ,
James Cuénod

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ

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