Thursday, November 11, 2010

James Cuénod's Newsletter 2010-11-11

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To those interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hello again, last time I sent my newsletter out I spoke a lot about the
activities to come. This time I can look back on them. In the last few
weeks I have heard a whole bunch of speakers who were absolutely
excellent. John Piper, Tim Keller, Christopher Wright and John Azumah all
featured in that time. It was really amazing to hear them all I wish it
could have been spaced out a bit more. The reason that we've had all these
international speakers in the area is of course because of the Lausanne
Congress on World Evangelism. It sounds like that went down well too, I
wasn't involved in it but the reports about it that I have heard are very

I had anticipated lots of activity during those two weeks immediately
after my last newsletter, what took me by surprise was the slew of
assignments that came after those two weeks. I don't know how many there
were now but there were a whole bunch. I found a few quite beneficial
though and in those cases it's not a chore to do them.

So now, exams have started. I wrote Hebrew yesterday and I'm writing The
Person and Work of Christ tomorrow followed by Reformation Church History
and Mission and Culture on Monday and Wednesday next week. Hebrew was
fine, I didn't really enjoy the exam but I can't put my finger on it. I
think I was just not perfectly confident on any of the answers that I
gave; normally I can count on a certain number of marks and then have
question marks over others but I don't know what I can count on in that
exam. I just thought of something cool though; next year I should be
getting a "Hebrew and Greek Reader's Bible" from someone flying in from
the States - it's a Greek and Hebrew Bible with translations of uncommon
words at the bottom of the page so it's not an interlinear but it's a nice

Please pray that I manage to put in the necessary work for these exams. I
am also preaching when I get back so please would you pray that I manage
to put in the necessary preparation while I'm here. I can't believe that
another year is basically gone, praise God for his provision to me for all
this time. Of course, now a continual prayer can be that God would give me
some direction for after third year. Thanks for all your prayers, I'm also
praying for you.

In Christ,
James Cuénod

James, a bondslave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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