Saturday, June 6, 2009

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To those
interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings. Grace to you and peace
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Greetings everyone, things here are still hectic; on Monday I will be
starting with my exams (so please keep me in your prayers for that). There
have been some developments with regards to the subjects I've been taking
that aren't part of the first year course. In the past, people have done
this and it hasn't been a problem: Nevertheless, David (the other first
year who is doing philosophy) and I went to the office to make sure that
everything is fine and sorted. It was then that we were informed that
because I'm doing the full 3 year degree, I cannot receive credits for
philosophy or evangelism (it's got to do with changes in structure and
requirements of courses). So, having done all the work for both courses,
all that I will miss of philosophy is the exam but I will be repeating
both coarses in my second (for evangelism) and third (for philosphy)
years. I'm a bit dissappointed that they didn't tell us a little earlier
(philosophy particularly increased my workload considerably) but I still
see value in the time that I spent in both courses so I don't mind.

This past Wednesday, the college had its annual booksale. A pile of second
hand books are sold on behalf of other people or donated to the college to
be sold to students for good prices. There were also specials on various
new books. I think I got a few really good deals, I got a few commentaries
and a number of Bibles (the Bibles that I got came to R10 so it was
definitely worth it - including an Annotated Dake Reference Bible, an RSV
and at least 5 others). First years go in together with second years after
the third years and faculty have had 20 minutes. So hopefully, in my third
year I'll get some really good stuff (and considering this year's stock, I
have high hopes).

Last night I went to youth again (at Mountainview Baptist Church). I did
the games with the junior youth which will soon become AWANA and I joined
in the senior youth (which is mostly a Bible study; I really enjoy it).

My exam timetable is now:
Monday 08th: Mark's Gospel
Friday 12th: Old Testament Introduction
Monday 15th: Worldviews
(I think I may have erroneously told you that I was writing Hard Questions
instead of Worldviews last time.) So my exam timetable is reasonably light
- OT Introduction is the one that we are most concerned about but I've got
some time to over it. Hopefully I will be returning on the 15th after my
worldviews exam.

Thank you for your prayers everyone. Please pray that coming into the last
stretch of the semester that I will be able to focus on my studies but,
more importantly, not lose sight of their goal.

In Christ,
James Cuénod

James, a bondslave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ

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