Monday, July 6, 2009

Bibleworks 8 would be nice

It has been a while since I wrote, the holidays have been good and I will write a newsletter soon however, I just discovered that Bibleworks 8 is being given away by a site which I think has a pretty awesome url

For anyone who doesn't know Bibleworks is incredibly powerful Bible software that allows one to perform complex searches on Biblical texts (you can find out about it here). It is probably the best software for original language studies (and it's recommended by James White - of - what more could you ask for?).

So anyway, this website "" is giving away a two copies of the latest version of Bibleworks and the competition closes on the 12th of July.  All I had to do to enter was answer a question and to get a double entry I could write a blog post and link to their website. I'm sure you've realised by now that that's what I'm doing... I would encourage you to enter but that would decrease my chances of winning so I'm wary of doing so. However, in the unlikely event that you feel compelled to enter the competition in order to give the prize to a poor student whose blog you may or may not read. Well then, by all means enter!!!

If you want more details or would like to enter (and as a requirement for this post), here is the url for the page:

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