Saturday, August 15, 2009

James Cuénod's Newsletter 2009-08-15

James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To those
interested who are dispersed abroad: Greetings. Grace to you and peace
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

It feels like time is speeding up quite considerably. I've really been
busy in this past week and it doesn't look like it's going to get lighter
for a while. Hopefully this weekend will allow me to catch up. I've
written a NT Introduction test and a Greek test both of which I did
reasonably well in for which I praise God. I'm really enjoying Early
Church History which means that I have to discipline myself into not doing
it because I will gladly sit doing ECH to the exclusion of other work
while telling myself "I'm doing college stuff so it's fine...". Greek is
going well and we're almost finished with the text book (we'll probably be
done by the end of the term and next term we'll begin translating 1st John
and bits of Mark).

Last night I went to the youth at Mountainview Baptist. I did the Bible
story for the junior youth which went well although the kids seemed a bit
restless. The senior youth, as always, I thoroughly enjoyed. I can't
remember whether I've mentioned it or not but the guy who runs it is a
lecturer at BI so it is really good and what's more, we're going through
Romans! He asked me to lead it next week and it's basically a Bible study
(with about 20-30mins of game time before the study) and so I get to lead
on (what I believe was) Martin Lloyd-Jones' favourite passage; Romans
3:21-26! Oh yeah!

Please pray that the study goes well and that I can get through all my
work and the readings. Also, more importantly, please pray that my quiet
times do not take a knock because of the workload.

In Christ,
James Cuénod

James, a bondslave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ

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